Jean Grey Phoenix Colorwork Chart
UPDATE 2/12/23: These hats sold out pretty quick. If you've known me for any length of time, you know that Jean Grey has ALWAYS been my favorite X-Men. I'm also ALWAYS happy to make Phoenix hats. Bebop over to my Etsy shop to see if my commissions are open! There will be announcement at the top with the status! Look, I made something in a relevant time-frame for a movie - a miracle. Dark Phoenix , oh boy. Jean Grey has always been my favorite of the X-Men. I made a handful of hats with this chart using duplicate stitch on top of some machine knit hats. Feast your eyes on them below. You may also buy one of these while supplies last (as I don't intend to make more because I have a rather large commission coming up). Use the chart for whatever you like (obviously, it works for duplicate stitch, but it should be good for other crafty activities). Please link back here to share the love of free grids with everyone. You can create the Dark Phoenix emblem ...