Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: The Misery Continues

UPDATE 2/6/23: I aggressively leaned into how much I hated this. I hated it so much that I finished it super early because I wanted to be done. This absolutely means I was the winner of the challenge. Fight me. Take a look at my current inventory on Etsy or head to Ko-Fi for patterns and much more! Of course I didn't make an entire row. The fact that I said I was going to rendered me incapable of doing so. I made 9 squares, which is half of a row, so I only half lied. There's a lot of brown again. That's some Vanna's Choice. I don't care for it. It's really...squishy? I don't hate it like I do Paton's Metallic, it's just not my first choice for acrylic. I made a custom Twin Peaks hat last week and had some leftover - not enough to make anything else of substance - so I just made some squares. I'm pretty sure that after I attach this final row, I'll be finished. There's going to be a black border around the whole blanket and that wil...