
Showing posts from June, 2015

Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: The Misery Continues

UPDATE 2/6/23: I aggressively leaned into how much I hated this. I hated it so much that I finished it super early because I wanted to be done. This absolutely means I was the winner of the challenge. Fight me. Take a look at my current inventory on Etsy or head to Ko-Fi for patterns and much more!  Of course I didn't make an entire row. The fact that I said I was going to rendered me incapable of doing so. I made 9 squares, which is half of a row, so I only half lied. There's a lot of brown again. That's some Vanna's Choice. I don't care for it. It's really...squishy? I don't hate it like I do Paton's Metallic, it's just not my first choice for acrylic. I made a custom Twin Peaks hat last week and had some leftover - not enough to make anything else of substance - so I just made some squares. I'm pretty sure that after I attach this final row, I'll be finished. There's going to be a black border around the whole blanket and that wil...

Crochet Cosplay WIP: Sailor Saturn Gloves and Boots

UPDATE 2/6/23: Format fixing. I was moving full-steam ahead on this mighty adventure. 'Was' is the operative word. I had some grand goals to finish completely by the end of this weekend. But alas! I thought I had another skein of Caron Simply Soft 'Passion.' I was trucking along on the boots when I ran out and discovered that I had no more. 'Passion' is the main purple I'm using. I don't even need that much more to finish. I left the house to get another skein and both Walmart and Michael's failed me. They always have this color, but not when I need it. I'm not going to order a single skein of yarn, so...I guess I'll be finishing the yarnwork for the Silence Glaive. Sweater Saturn Bag Lady Mitts Not having made a great deal of gloves in my crocheting time, I poked around the Internet until I found a pattern I could modify in order to work for this costume. I went with Stitch11's Simple, Easy and Quick Arm Warmers . I dropped my ...

Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: I Just Want This To Be Over

UPDATE 2/6/23: Adding cat pictures really enhanced these posts. I still don't see the wool square...if you're keeping up with that saga for some reason. Somehow. Why. Etsy . I only made three squares. It was all I needed to make in order to finish the current row. This doesn't matter because I'm still many squares ahead. After I finish one more row I believe this blanket will be of ample size and I can end this madness. I'm going to do a round or two of sc in black to tie this mighty crapghan together. The cats really like it. Cats really like crochet. I have one of those Sunny Seat cat window bed suction cup things and after the immense amount of hatred I have for granny squares subsides, I think I'll make a granny square cover for it.

Phoenix Wright Cosplay Hat - Prototype Hat Available NOW

UPDATE 2/6/23: I no longer stock these hats. I will make them custom though and I no longer make them this way. I now make them solid blue and duplicate stitch on the lettering.  If you're interested in a custom order, head to my Etsy page to see my commission status. It will be in the announcement at the top!  Who buys knitwear out of season? Cosplayers do. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I whipped up a prototype of Phoenix Wright's 'Papa' beanie from Ace Attorney and I've got plans for a few other con-season hats as well. I'm working on so many things, guys. I must confess that I'm not terribly familiar with the Ace Attorney series. Despite my love of television law dramas, I'm not sure "visual novel legal thriller" is a genre that I would enjoy in the video game realm. I like my video games to be filled with sex and violence. Boobs and explosions. Persistent gore always toggled on. You know. To each their own though. I also enjoy ...

BL:TPS Nisha Cosplay Updates

UPDATE 2/6/23: I'm actually kind of jazzed to start making videos again. They're just so much effort. And tedious. People don't realize this until they have to make a video. Feast thine eyeballs on this time-lapse video. I rounded up an old-as-dirt tank top, shoved some cardboard inside and then painted Nisha's shirt. Boom! In real-time this took me about 2.5 hours - give or take. I used Jones Tones Stretchable Fabric Paint in magenta, black and white. I drank several cups of coffee. Yes, I free-handed this whole thing. I started by making a few important marks with sharpie in order to position everything and then I went for it. I'm such a remarkable waste of talent. A big thanks to Gearbox for releasing extremely handy cosplay reference guides . If only I had these for my Zer0 cosplay. I wouldn't have had to take pictures with my cell phone from my television of my actual Zer0 character. lololol I'm unsure what else to say about this. Here are some...

Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: Day 166

UPDATE 2/6/23: I absolutely won this challenge because I outlasted the person hosting the stupid thing.  I intended to make only the required seven squares this past week, but my ability to count fooled me again and I made eight. This means I have a total of 177 squares or something. I could count them, but counting isn't in my skillset, apparently. Also, it appears that the creator of this challenge, Siouxsie Stitches , has given up. Or at least hasn't been updating her blog with her mood blanket progress. Does this mean I win? Is this challenge a last one standing sort of thing? trolololol I'm also fairly certain that my personal Hell will be making plain granny squares for all eternity and joining them to a blanket that never gets any larger.

It's WIP Wednesday! Some Quick DragonCon Cosplay Updates

UPDATE 2/6/23: Corrected some weird formatting. I don't feel like I need to bulk up these posts. These were all good posts. Crochet Sailor Saturn I'm trucking along at an incredibly slow pace. I got the sleeves done and I did the detailing on the bodice (the latter is not pictured, but I plan to do a bigger update on this soon). The first sleeve I made, I hated. I took it apart and didn't even take a picture. It was too floppy, which simply wouldn't do. The sleeves look better with the bodice on me than they do laying on the ground. I'll put it on myself and take some pictures soon-ish. I want to get the gloves done so that I don't bombard you with too many images of my stupid face. I picked out a pattern that I'll be modifying in order to make my gloves. Right hurr . It's free. I'll have to do some tweaking in order to do the colorwork and then do the purple piping. If anyone wants to hassle me for choosing to do fingerless gloves then go ahea...

Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: Day 159 And My Mood Is Hate

UPDATE 2/6/23: This is also a good post about my disdain for this project. Also cat pics are nice. Visiting my Etsy shop is nice too. I guess hate isn't a mood, is it? I only made the required seven squares this week and I made them all yesterday because following rules is hard. I couldn't bring myself to go on after seven because there were 1 million things I would have rather been doing than making granny squares. I intended to make an entire row, you see, further propelling myself many squares ahead and closer to completion. Completing a row and attaching it is the only way I derive any joy from this joy-sucking project. Remind me not to engage in any sort of mundane crochet blanket challenge ever again. Just let me make a yearly scrapghan in peace! Yes, I could just stop following the rules entirely. I could cease to do these drab Mood Blanket Monday posts, but I will not! I will not do it because I need to update this blog at least once a week and this God forsaken b...

Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: Day 152 With Cat Approval

UPDATE 2/6/23: This is my favorite post about this project so far. This is a good post. I'm so witty. You should also check out my Etsy shop . After last week's confusion I made an entire row of squares this week. I actually made most of them yesterday. I hate following rules. I will not be told what to do. Only one square a day is ridiculous. I couldn't stop thinking about where and how my counting went wrong. Despite my expressing that I didn't have time to figure it out, I of course stopped everything and figured it out. The confusion began with my inability to follow instructions. I make more than one square a day on some days and on other days I will make no squares. Yes, I am cheating. I am a huge cheater. I had worked a fair number of squares ahead and believed I had made enough for last week while still being ahead from the weeks before where I finished rows when I didn't need to. I thought that at the end of last week I'd be finishing a row when in...