Venture Bros - The Monarch Symbol - FREE Colorwork Chart

UPDATE 2/7/23: Duplicate stitch! Yes! This week I was asked to make a hat with The Monarch symbol it. "Ok," I said. And I did. It was excellent for breaking up the monotony of making bigfoot hat after bigfoot hat, that's for sure. And here's the chart! Feel free to use it for knitting, crochet, needlepoint, or whatever fibercraft floats your boat. If you do use it, please link back to this post to share it with the rest of the Internet! For more, give my Facebook page a like and also swing by my Etsy shop . For the hat, I actually duplicate stitched the pattern onto a plain black knit hat I made. I love any excuse to duplicate stitch and this was a perfect opportunity to do so. Duplicate stitch is my current favorite thing. There are tons of tutorials online. Here 's a good one. Happy crafting and holidays and holiday crafting! XOXOX