
Showing posts from April, 2017

Awesome Etsy Shop Roundup Time! 3 Awesome Etsy Shops To Buy Things From Right Now!

UPDATE 2/11/23: All of the below shops are now defunct. Adults Are Kids Too may one day rebrand and reopen. I want to start doing monthly posts like these again. And if you have an Etsy or shopify or you're a streamer, I don't care, just contact me on Facebook and I'll do a little feature! It may not help a ton, but it IS definitely good for your page to have other pages linking to it on the internet! Everything little bit helps, for real, and I am glad to help out other crafters and creators.  I usually do this around Christmas time, but these shops all have awesome year-round items (unlike me, although I am leaning more toward plushies and patterns lately, which are totally rad all the time). I've also been painfully bad at blogging the last several months, and this gives me a nice reason to make a post, right? lulz ;-) So here goes...check out these freakin' cool Etsy sellers and buy stuff from them because they're cool people selling cool stuff. Get some...

One of Jimmy Gibbler's Hats - Free Fuller House Colorwork Chart for Knit Hat

UPDATE 2/11/23: This is a very nice basic Christmas hat. I promised to chart this hat many months ago after I watched the second season of this corny show, but it was right in the midst of the holiday hat rush. I just now had time to sit down and do it. Whew! Jimmy wears a lot of hats in Fuller House (and I'm a big sucker for nostalgic shows, if you didn't know - also a sucker for hats that look fun to chart). I'd like to pattern all of his hats eventually, but this one seemed like a good place to start with a pretty simple colorwork grid. This is classy hat that would be great for pretty much anyone. This chart should work for a CO 96 hat on 6s or 7s. You can feel free to experiment with it, change the colors, whatevs, etc. Jimmy's hat is a dark red/mauve/burgundy sort of color on white with a fold up brim. I think it would look cool with a pom-pom and any two contrasting colors, honestly. If you'd like me to pattern the entire hat, just let me know. I...