UPDATED Claptrap Crochet Pattern AVAILABLE NOW!

FINALLY! I finally updated this thing. I knew it would be an incredibly daunting task because, come to think of it, this is the first plushie pattern I ever wrote - and oh my goodness, it was a doozy. I daresay my pattern writing has improved dramatically since 2016 so the new version is MUCH better. It's a 29-page extravaganza now! I made the pattern more readable and the descriptions more clear. So many pictures! Also videos. You all know I hate making videos, right? I also simplified a few parts because I figured out better ways to do them than what I originally did. Yay, learning! Anyway, crochet yourself a Claptrap! Get the pattern on Ko-Fi or Ravelry ! It is on the pricier end of the pattern spectrum but it's seriously a heck of a pattern. And it was a 5-day, 8-hours/day O R D E A L to update. ORDEAL, you hear me?! Err...read me?!?! Happy crafting! XOXOX p.s. I've got some cool stuff in the works for my Etsy shop and also upcoming FREE patterns planned!