DragonCon 2015: Photo Recap
UPDATE 2/6/23: Fixed weird formatting on this post from my theme change. Making this weird comment at the top so I know I have been here. Great Blog Fixing of 2023. I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I have in years past and some of these were taken by my pseudo-handler and water-carrier, cats_and_critical_hits . If you stumble on this page and see yourself, please send me a message so I can give you the wonderful credit you deserve for being awesome. I'll also include links to your page(s) or whatever if you want, just let me know! XOXOX If you have burning questions about my crochet Sailor Saturn cosplay, check out the FAQ post. Thursday! Thursday night was pretty hoppin' so I put on Nisha to roam around and pick up my earrings from Eric ( Southpaw Engraving , Jarman Props ). Ran into a doge cosplay and died then we screwed around with Eric's kantus head. I forgot the earrings I was going to wear with Nisha so I decided to just use my Saturn earrings bec...