
Showing posts from March, 2014

The Argyle Pillow

UPDATE 1/22/23: Oh man! This was a good argyle pattern! I also remember that pictures of this pillow got flagged on tumblr for containing ADULT CONTENT! What a time to be alive! This pillow has long since sold, but I'm going through all of my old posts with fresh eyes and adding updates AKA unhinged 2023 commentary filled with exclamation points! Maybe I'll make some more pillows this year, who knows! Hit up my Etsy to see what I have available now, go to my Ravelry for knitting and crochet patterns, and go to my Ko-Fi for a membership to get cool stuff each month!  Facebook for the latest updates!   ~~~~ This was a long time coming. I ran out of polyfil, so it was half-stuffed for the last two weeks or whatever. I finally finished it because I got more fiber. Buy it here . It is a mere $25. I'm fairly pleased, despite the minor errors you can see if you look closely. It was an error in my pattern sketch. I pinpointed it and resolved the issue for later use of the ...

Crapghan Completion and Other Excitement

UPDATE 1/22/23: I was really bad at taking pictures back in the day! Also that blanket was so ugly! Going through my old posts is wild! This ridiculous cat (and the ugly blanket) moved out with my ex! I liked this cat more than I liked her! I didn't have any feelings either way about the giant granny square. If you found your way to this ancient post somehow, please go visit my Ravelry for many knit and crochet patterns, my Etsy for physical items, and my Ko-Fi page for a cool subscription service that I'm offering! I AM STILL AROUND! I LIVE!   Oh, and swing over to follow my Facebook page for the latest updates! 2023 is gonna be BaNaNaS! ~~~~  A surprise ice storm knocked out my power for a day and a half and left me without internet for some days afterward. I just got internet back today after much drama with my ISP. The outage was fixed, you see, but my internet was not. That is a boring story. I worked a lot on the crapghan in my immense boredom and the cold. It's...

Birth of the Crochet Dalek Beanies

UPDATE 1/26/23: Semi-related: I also have a crochet Star Whale pattern available! UPDATE 1/22/23: Here I am going through all of my old blog posts and checking on links, adding updated pictures, and all that jazz! Look at me go! I'm using so many exclamation points in 2023! I now have a pattern for both adult and baby-sized Dalek beanies available from Ravelry ! Classic Daleks and the Paradigm Daleks! Both are very easy and very nice introduction to tapestry crochet in the round! They're also very easy to resize for custom heads!  Making these hats also made me hate making pom-poms and I hate making pom-poms to this very day! I'm definitely overdue for a Doctor Who rewatch and catch-up...which means I might make some more of these...  I came across a strange device, obviously from space. It was a Progenitor device. But it was a YARN Progenitor device. I've been on a Doctor Who kick lately, rewatching all of that nonsense. I decided to poke around and look at some ot...