The Argyle Pillow
UPDATE 1/22/23: Oh man! This was a good argyle pattern! I also remember that pictures of this pillow got flagged on tumblr for containing ADULT CONTENT! What a time to be alive! This pillow has long since sold, but I'm going through all of my old posts with fresh eyes and adding updates AKA unhinged 2023 commentary filled with exclamation points! Maybe I'll make some more pillows this year, who knows! Hit up my Etsy to see what I have available now, go to my Ravelry for knitting and crochet patterns, and go to my Ko-Fi for a membership to get cool stuff each month! Facebook for the latest updates! ~~~~ This was a long time coming. I ran out of polyfil, so it was half-stuffed for the last two weeks or whatever. I finally finished it because I got more fiber. Buy it here . It is a mere $25. I'm fairly pleased, despite the minor errors you can see if you look closely. It was an error in my pattern sketch. I pinpointed it and resolved the issue for later use of the ...