And Then I Asked ChatGPT To Make a Macho Man Randy Savage Crochet Pattern...

Yesterday I posted about ChatGPT's valiant attempt to write a crochet pattern for a plushie Slenderman . The result was not very slender and also not really any sort of man. More of a weird, moderately unnerving Pokemon. You can see "Slenderman" right there in the image next to "Macho Man." I don't even really know what to say about "Macho Man." He's mostly naked, bald, and I don't think ChatGPT knows what a bandana is. I also don't know what's up with the arm and leg bands. Are those the elbows and knees? I aim to find out while also trying to help this AI become self-aware because I crave the end of humanity. That aside. If you would like to make yourself an AI-generated "Macho Man," here is the pattern as given to me. I'll mess around with this some more next week. Maybe do a little once a week AI pattern monstrosity post. Materials: Tan yarn Black yarn Red yarn 3.5 mm crochet ...