
Showing posts from November, 2015

FREE Bone-Shaped Dog Toy - Easy Crochet Pattern

UPDATE 2/7/23: Formatting fixes.  NB: Crocheted dog toys are only really good for dogs that ARE NOT heavy chewers, toy-eaters or otherwise destroyers of their toys. Crochet dog toys are only good for those dogs that like to carry, snuggle or occasionally give their toys a good shake. If a crochet dog toy becomes damaged,  like any other damaged toy, you should take it away from your dog promptly. Know your dog and if this toy is appropriate for him or her. Dogs are dumb - they will eat things and get intestinal blockages and plunge you into debt with vet bills, but for some reason we still like them. :) Anywho... This is a great use of scrap yarn because dogs don't care if you give them a toy that is totally hideous. I've made two of these, both from scrap yarn, but I forgot to take pictures of the first one and I no longer have it.  It is also important to note that as you are working on this it will look a bit vulgar and, um, phallic.  Materials   ...

FREE Hunger Games Mockingjay Chart - THREE Sizes Available

  UPDATE 2/7/23: The small version of this chart, is, indeed, not very small. I'm adding it to the maybe to-do list to jam out a small version that is more versatile for smaller projects! Mockingjay: Part 2  releases today in the USofA so I whipped up mockingjay pin charts! I've been meaning to do these since Mockingjay: Part 1 . Clearly, I failed to get around to them. Better late than never, huh? The charts are in small (40), medium (80) and large (150). I haven't tested any of them, so tweaks might be necessary. I recommend right-clicking on the charts and opening them in a new tab to access the full-sized versions. And you can save them to your computer from there too. Each of these charts is suitable for your preferred fiberart colorwork method (tapestry crochet, stranded knitting, duplicate stitch, whatever, whatever!) and your favorite needlecrafts as well. Utilize these charts for any project you like, but please provide a link back to this post. :) Find me el...

FREE Pattern Friday: Versatile Mustache Colorwork Chart

UPDATE 2/7/23: Ah! Here is where I learned duplicate stitch! My favorite! It opened up so many magical doors and windows and maybe a cellar! Having finished up the first round of Splatoon Bobble Hats , I decided to take a break to knock out some personal projects. I'd been meaning to try out the FREE Jackyll & Hyde Balaclava pattern from the Fall 2007 issue of  Knitty . My original intentions were to take the plain pattern and then make it into a Deadpool ski mask. I didn't have enough of the same red lying around, so I made it in hot pink because I had an awful lot of hot pink for no good reason. As a connoisseur of bad movies, I watched Spring Breakers several times. If you also unfortunately saw that movie, you will recall the prevalence of hot pink ski masks. I didn't want to make a Spring Breakers ' ski mask, so I needed to make mine much more classy. And how do you make something instantly look classy? Add a mustache. I duplicate stitched this must...

Splatoon Cosplay Bobble Hats v1.0

UPDATE 2/6/23: I'm no longer stocking these hats, but I will make them as custom orders. I will NOT add tentacles anymore. It's too much. I also hate sewing lol You can see my commission status on Etsy and you can also make your own bobble hat with this pattern here .  Get yours here now! Very limited quantities. And I mean very. But don't fret! I'm going to make another batch soon. I just need to restock my materials and then I'll get started on more. Patience, pals! My post last week was about the knit hats themselves...mostly (I think). The Fabric Gods finally smiled on me and all of my fabric arrived. I ended up settling on polyester felt. It's durable and it's easy to work with. Plus it comes in (almost) every color ever. And it's affordable, which is good for me and also good for anyone that wants to buy one of these hats without plunging into massive debt. For the underside of the tentacles I actually used fleece. Glorious fleece! I...