
Showing posts from November, 2016

Easy Crochet Fingerless Bag Lady Mitts - FREE PATTERN

UPDATE 2/11/23: I had to admit this but I scrapped this project, and I did it pretty recently. This pattern is still good though for some fingerless mitts or a base for any sort of crochet cosplay gauntlets. Visit Etsy to see my current ready-to-ship inventory as well as check my commission status. There are a lot of patterns out there for fingerless mitts. I wanted a pair of solid, sturdy ones for my Ranger-General Sylvanas gauntlets. If you keep up with my Facebook , you know that I've gone insane and I'm crocheting a Sylavanas cosplay based on her Ranger-General skin in Heroes of the Storm. NB: This is NOT a pattern for the completed gauntlets, this is just the mitts they're attached to. Finished mitts measure approximately 11" in length and 4" across at the widest part, so they're small adult or kid-sized. Because I am a waif of a human. For larger mitts you can either use a larger hook size or add length or girth in the form of more rows or stit...