
Showing posts from January, 2015

Sun Symbol From Tangled FREE Colorwork Chart

UPDATE 2/5/23: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to remake this hat and just make a solid purple knit and then duplicate stitch the pattern on it. When I made this I was still pretty new at knitting and didn't know about duplicate stitch, which is one of my favorite things ever now. 100% recommend this pattern for duplicate stitch ORRRRR, my other favorite thing, c2c crochet!   I made this chart (and hat) as a custom request! Now I'm sharing the glorious chart. Fo' free! It was a very fun chart as far as charts go. Enjoy! Please link back here, to my Facebook , or to my Etsy shop  to give me a kindly shout out if you use this. XOXOX Oh. Heads up: This was difficult to make very stretchy with stranded knitting. I ended up just making a slightly larger, smushy sort of hat. And the chart should also be suitable for crochet too.

2015 Mood Blanket Challenge: Day 26

UPDATE 2/5/23: This was a horrible project. I hated it so much. I'm not a huge fan of solid granny squares. My idiot brain also doesn't really understand equating colors to a mood, so I have no comprehension of a "mood" blanket. My mood also changes 9865 times in a single day. Enough fun facts about me! YOU should take a look around my Etsy shop . The whole point of this blog was a way to promote my shop, but for some reason I did not mention my shop at all in this post. I am constantly baffled by everything I was doing back in 2015. Next month when the day numbering starts over at 1 I'm going to have to do math to determine what day I'm on for this. Bummer. OR I could get a calendar and count the days each day...or number them accordingly. Or I could just finish the blanket this week. Is this a race? I guess I could just for real do one square a day instead of doing a bunch of squares one day and then no squares for days. Such great dilemmas I face in my lif...

FREE Lantern Corps Colorwork Charts

UPDATE 2/5/23: These would totally work for c2c crochet! Someone make a Lantern Corps blanket! I'd do it but y'all know I don't have time at the moment! Do it! A nice blanket of 3x3 squares! Come on!   These are the charts I used to make the Lantern Corps crochet beanies, but they'll also work for knitting projects! On the beanies I did the designs in sl, but sc should be ok for flat projects, I think. You may want to experiment with alternating rows of sc and sl to avoid the designs coming out oblong. WoollyRhino supports experiments! Also note that the colors used on the charts are not necessarily accurate. This is for my own personal visibility needs. I hate staring at the color yellow on screens and I can't use black on the charts or I can't see the grid. And remember, if you use these for anything then please link back here to this post, to the Etsy shop or to my Facebook page to give me a shoutout! These insignias, of course, belong to DC Comics, ...

Day 19: Mood Blanket Challenge 2015

UPDATE 2/5/23: I don't think it happened in this row, but one single square of this blanket was made of wool and it shrunk in the wash and like...felted itself. lol that was my bad! This blanket belongs to my cats now, so it doesn't matter! Cats don't care! They just want to lay on yarn!  First row: Done! Second Row: Not done! I created a border for the first row in black. I just used scs around and then 2 sc + 2 ch + 2 sc in each corner chain at the actual four corners. I'll do the same for the second row and then an sc seam to join them. I'm getting into some smaller balls (like really, really small) of my scrap yarn so you'll see more multicolored super sexy yarn squares (granny squares sounds more and more unappealing the more I think about it) soon. I don't even know why I saved such obscenely tiny amounts of yarn. Most likely it was a bit of hoarder-logic - "I might be able to use this later." The only thing I hoard is yarn. And loo...

DragonCon 2015 Prep Begins...Now?

UPDATE 2/5/23: I still have this costume, except the Silence Glaive. I think I wax poetic about it in several other posts. I want to get back into cosplaying, but I don't have the time, especially since I'm fixated on crocheting elaborate costumes. Anyway, if you're into my cosplay, and want me to one day do it again, you should consider buying something from my shop ! I honest to God hate promoting myself so much, but who else is gonna do it, amirite?? I'm not actually getting started quite yet, but I did settle on the yarn I'll be using, and I have a partially constructed Silence Glaive. I had to get every Caron Simply Soft purple in order to find two that would optimally serve my purposes for Sailor Saturn. I'm going with Passion for the main purple and Plum for the shadows. Grape and Iris are majorly bright, so they got vetoed. For my bows I'm using Autumn Red and Burgundy. I have White, Gray Heather, and Charcoal Heather for the glaive. The White an...

Day 12: Mood Blanket Challenge 2015

UPDATE 2/5/23: I can't believe I'm going through every single old blog post I ever wrote and updating it. I'm doing, like, a month each day. Sometimes too months if I didn't do a lot of posts.  Anyway, this blanket now belongs to my cats and lives in an old desk chair that they also enjoy. I wash it about once a month and it fills my washing machine with blobs of cat hair and then I have to clean the lint screen 4-5 times when drying. It's madness. Cats love to lay on crochet.  Go feast your eyes on my current inventory in my Etsy shop and pop over to Ko-Fi for patterns as well as my kick-ass monthly subscription (if you like Pokemon).  Here we are on Day 12. Shit went down on Day 6. Today I apparently felt like a Hufflepuff. Or a bee. Or the yellow and black were on top of my other yarn because I just finished making a Hufflepuff hat . I'm thinking that when I complete the 18 squares for the first row that I'm going to do a black border around them all...

FREE Pattern Friday - Portal Companion Cube Crochet Hat

UPDATE 2/5/23: This pattern still holds up and it will also work for duplicate stitch knitting or c2c crochet! SOMEONE MAKE A COMPANION CUBE C2C BLANKET!! Remember to check out my Etsy shop and take a look at my commission status, and check my Ko-Fi for more patterns!  Companion Cuuuuube! The finished hat is about 10"x10" and the design is on both the front and the back. I worked this hat flat then closed the top and side seam. You can also easily work it in the round by joining your starting chain. Also feel free to only put the design on the front (this will make it stretchier). I hate to cramp your creativity, so you can totally feel free to use this chart for knitting or whatever too. If you make one of these hats, please link back here to share the pattern and also feel free to share pictures on the Facebook ! What You Need worsted weight yarn in 2 colors - Color A (I used pink) and Color B (I used gray) size J crochet hook 3" pom pom maker Instruction...

WIP Wednesday - Double-Knit Bigfeet and More!

UPDATE 2/5/23: I bet people would be into the reversible bigfoot hats if I made more of them. Double-knitting though. I love it and also hate it. I might whip up one or two...maaaaaybe. Check the shop ! I'm working on a lot of oddball stuff and I've finished up a lot of oddball stuff the last few days. So here goes...this isn't quite a normal WIP Wednesday post because I just finished up a bunch of stuff then started on a bunch of new stuff. Yeah. Anyway. My brains. Reversible Bigfeet I finished up a child-size as well as a normal adult size (yes, I'm going to update the pattern, I promise!). Here's a look at the adult-size when it was still a WIP. I'm currently working on another one that is a blue and purple ombre instead of pink, but I've done so little it's not worth me taking a picture. My ombre yarn is Bernat Handicrafter Cotton , which I would use for everything I do ever if it were economically feasible. lolol Reversible Metallic Silver ...

2015 Mood Blanket Challenge?!?!

UPDATE 2/5/23: In case anyone was wondering, I have no idea what happened to that big ugly scrapghan I made, but I do know where my mood blanket is. It belongs to the cats. I still have it, and it is in an old desk chair that they enjoy as well. So, here I am going through my old blog posts and checking the formatting after changing my blog theme and I see that I seem to have failed to include links TO MY OWN STUFF. Again! Did I write this before I started doing SEO? I have no idea. But anywho, check out my Etsy shop !   After a great deal of thought for about 7 minutes I decided to jump on Siouxsie Stitches ' bandwagon of domestic fun and participate in her rad Mood Blanket Challenge ! Awww yeah! I've accumulated a lot of scrap yarn this past year, so my "mood" blanket will also be a SCRAPGHAN. Everyone get excited. I get a kick out of making big, hideous blankets. If you didn't see last year's crapghan-scrapghan I made then check it out now. See it with y...

Yeah, I Made Breaking Bad Fanart

UPDATE 2/4/23: I should paint more, I always say, every single time I look at anything I have painted.    I do sell some art prints now. This is not among them, but I could make it so if there were interest. My art prints are a lot of wrestling, which is very unrelated to the bulk of this blog.   But anyway, go visit The Kingdom of Pinfall if you somehow found yourself on this page.    I'm real excited for Better Call Saul . Like. REALLY excited. Like. I can't even. Saul Goodman is my hero. Well, I just finished watching the first two seasons of House of Cards , so Francis Underwood might actually be my hero, but before I watched that, my hero was totally Saul Goodman. All of that aside, I also love Mike. Who doesn't love Mike? So I spent a day or two painting a portrait of Mike. It's oil on an 18"x24" canvas. Would people be interested in buying this as a print? Is that something people would buy? Fanart? I'd have to figure out how to go ab...