Nyan Cat Colorwork Chart for C2C or whatever

A special treat! I needed a little knitting break, so I made a Nyan Cat grid! I think it would make a nice c2c crochet pillow cover (I've sort of been itching to make weird pillows but I don't want to turn into my grandmother and have 96 decorative pillows swallowing all of my furniture). 

Anyway, SURELY someone needs this! I didn't add diagonal lines for c2c because I don't want people to think it's c2c ONLY. For real, do what you want with it. Be free. Get creative.

You can download it and edit it, if you want. Add more stars or something. I do wish I had added a few more stars. 

Happy crafting! If you make a cool thing and share it online then please provide credit and link back to this page! I tediously clicked every single one of these squares to color them. For real. I did.

Check out my shop if you're looking to buy something or check my commission/custom order status! If you're looking for patterns then go to Ravelry or Ko-Fi. On the latter, I also offer a cool monthly subscription which is Pokemon c2c patterns at the moment! Sometimes there are also some surprise goodies for members!


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