November Pattern Round-Up!

There's a theme this month! It doesn't look like it, but let me explain!

The theme is...

I'm going through all of the bookmarks in my Patterns folder to see which links are still good and I'm going to share them! This is going to be an ongoing theme unless I take a break to do a more...themed...theme. This will allow me to always have round-up goodies on hand and I've needed to clean up my bookmarks for the last 8 years (maybe more...probably more, yeah). I think most of these are free patterns and it's an assortment of knit and crochet. I'm just going down what I've got in order and we'll see what lands here each month! How exciting!

All images belong to their respective owners and I pulled them from the pages unless otherwise stated and we come upon a pattern I've made.

Let's goooo!

Crochet Fox Bonnet from Moogly

FREE Pattern by Stacey Williams of Busting Stitches


I think I made this for someone? My brain has gotten really smooth over the years and I can't remember. I think it was for someone's baby? Does anyone out there remember?? I almost feel like it was in different colors too because it was for a girl. I guess I could go digging through my iCloud and look at 2012 or go way back in time on Facebook. It's cute and it can be re-sized easily for an adult with, you know, math. 

Busting Stitches has a lot of baby/kiddo patterns, and you can find them here on Ravelry!

10 Crochet Afghan Squares

FREE Pattern Round-Up and from Moogly Again

Here me out, I didn't forget about this bookmark at all, and I am pretty sure I pulled it up for a round-up a few months ago and used some of the specific squares. This link is, in fact, another round-up. This is a round-up link within a round-up. I have a light disdain for all of the standard grannies and I have this saved for if/when I get around to making a blanket with funner-er squares. My favorite is #2 the "Supernova" also because I love space.

1940s Knitting Patterns

FREE From The Victoria and Albert Museum

I have no memory of bookmarking this page, but it is incredible. Finding this bookmark feels like I found a treasure. Since I have no memory of this, it's like it's a brand new discovery. There are FIFTEEN (15) patterns on this page and you can snag the PDFs. I chose the most unhinged one to picture above. Who needs to keep their ears warm? Not me. 

If you didn't know, I love LOVE love vintage crochet, so it makes sense that I also love vintage knitting, which is probably why I bookmarked this page in the first place.There are some absolute gems here from hats to sweaters to waistcoats, gloves and socks. And, get this, fishnet stockings.

Shark Mitts CROCHET Pattern

FREE and by Annette Hynes

I feel like I made these too, a very long time ago. My bookmarks are obviously in the order that I bookmarked them...I think. The pattern is dated 2010, which seems about right. This is mostly made with Tunisian crochet and I have always been questing for Tunisian crochet projects, so this was likely the result of that.

Beer Mitt Knitting Pattern

FREE from Toby Roxane Barna on Knitty

I've actually made a lot of these, but it's been years and years since I last made one and I honestly didn't want to go through my photos to find a picture, but I've done it anyway for you people. The above pictured mitts are obviously Christmas themed or maybe NC State? Idk. I've made them in all different colors and I even made some with duplicate stitch monograms on them. They were really popular for a bit. I also made a bunch of them for gifts for my pals. This is a very easy pattern and it's when I realized I'd rather use DPNs for small round working than that insanity with a super long circular that people do. DPNs are easier. Fight me.

That's it for this month! It turned out to be a nice mix of knit and crochet! Incredible! As usual, if you'd like to support me then you can get patterns and a monthly membership on Ko-Fi and check out my physical inventory on Etsy!


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