WIP Wednesday...On Thursday!

UPDATE 2/5/23: Why did I not include pertinent links in this very lengthy post?! I absolutely knew how to do SEO and how to use a blog for marketing at the time that I wrote this! I mean, it makes me feel dirty even to this day, but it's for the internet search robots! For the robots! Shop now!

Side-note: I still have my entire Nisha costume, except...Lawbringer? My gun? Where my gun go? Nisha is one of my favorite video game characters of all time btw. I love me some Borderlands. 

I meant to do a WIP Wednesday post on, you know, Wednesday. But I was busy actually doing the things I was going to post about. So here goes, a day late!

Furry Beast Hats

Remember that panda hat I made a week or so ago? If not, whatever, here's a picture. I'm making some more critter hats out of all of this Fun Fur. Fun Fur sales, man. The brown hat is going to be a deer with cute little antlers and probably the same big, goofy eyes as the panda. The white hat was going to be a unicorn because I wanted to use some more of that awful Paton's Metallic silver yarn that I still have. I thought long and hard about it and didn't know how I'd do the unicorn's mane in a way that wouldn't look majorly tacky, so it's either going to turn into an owl or a cat.

The black hat is definitely going to be a cat. I'm going to make some cute cat eyes. When I'm done with all these I'm going to see how much Fun Fur I have left and if I can make another. I'd like to make a raccoon, but did I buy gray Fun Fur during the sale? Of course not. Anyway...I'm going to share the pattern and it'll be a sort of (maybe) cool customizable animal hat thing with different ears and eyes to choose from, so you other poor fools can use Fun Fur in a fun way.

Crochet Sailor Saturn Skirt

Crocheting each individual fold and then stitching the folds together is taking forever. I'm pretty sure the skirt is going to be the easiest part, but possibly the most time-consuming. The waist of the skirt is going to be separate and then joined to the pleats if I ever finish the pleats. I was having some second thoughts about my chosen purples, but those second thoughts have now passed.

After I finish the skirt I'm probably going to do my butt bow and then work on the Silence Glaive for a bit before diving into the top. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to get into the top yet. I unfortunately can't scream MAKE UP and hold a magic pen in the air then have the suit appear on me in real life.

Borderlands: TPS Nisha Cosplay

I like painting and I really did enjoy the 800+ hours of painting that went into my Zer0 costume. I hate sewing though. I'm not going to lie to myself anymore. I don't even really enjoy machine sewing. Still...I couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to make a Nisha costume. I legit had 90% of what I needed in my closet. Jacket I've never worn but had for 7 years, old jeans, some uggs I'm going to repurpose, white tank top, and a hat. I just need a glove, some more fabric paint and a belt.

This should be a lot less sewing than Zer0. I won't be dealing with any fosshape armor bits or anything. Most all of the sewing will be putting the jacket back together, which I cut into pieces. I'm going to need to mod the belt loops of the jeans and attach cardboard pieces to my boots. Most of the details are going to be hand-painted and this will hopefully cover up my shitty sewing.

The damn jacket was so old that when I went to take the front pockets off with the seam ripper the fabric just fell to pieces. lololol...the paint is going to reinforce it too?!

The hat was shoved in the back of my closet and majorly misshapen, but it's leather and took like 5 minutes to fix. It's still a little wet, but all is well. I'm going to order some paint and probably start with the hat.

I'm going to use my grenade and shield from my Zer0 suit and hopefully get the oddly weighted grenade to stay on my belt. I'll probs make my class mod out of a mac 'n cheese box or something. Yay, cosplaying with trash!

I'm going to work on this rad Lawbringer business when I need a break from the mindless stitching involved in Sailor Saturn.


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