It's WIP Wednesday! Some Quick DragonCon Cosplay Updates

UPDATE 2/6/23: Corrected some weird formatting. I don't feel like I need to bulk up these posts. These were all good posts.

Crochet Sailor Saturn

I'm trucking along at an incredibly slow pace. I got the sleeves done and I did the detailing on the bodice (the latter is not pictured, but I plan to do a bigger update on this soon). The first sleeve I made, I hated. I took it apart and didn't even take a picture. It was too floppy, which simply wouldn't do. The sleeves look better with the bodice on me than they do laying on the ground. I'll put it on myself and take some pictures soon-ish. I want to get the gloves done so that I don't bombard you with too many images of my stupid face.

I picked out a pattern that I'll be modifying in order to make my gloves. Right hurr. It's free. I'll have to do some tweaking in order to do the colorwork and then do the purple piping. If anyone wants to hassle me for choosing to do fingerless gloves then go ahead - you will not be able to stop me!

Yesterday I painted the hat. Maybe this was once a suede hat? Or leather? I don't know much about things made from dead animals. I know it was once upon a time a rad vintage hat from the 70s that some creature died for, but the lining had been ripped out and the label is too worn to read. It was soft, so does that make it suede?

Whatever. Now it's Nisha's hat.

My New Year's resolution was to paint more. Does painting a hat count?

Nisha's boots are going to be a little more daunting than I expected after closer inspection. It also turned out that I didn't have any fabric suitable for making her belt, so I order a cheap-shit canvas belt. I'm unsure how I'm going to do the buckle now as well. She also has a lot of little buckles on her thighs, which I'm pretty sure I'm going to paint on. I'm not sure about the ones are her wrist. There's a lot of "not sure" happening with this now. I'm still going to make it happen, don't worry.

I'm also working on making boatloads of hats for the mighty hat season of the northern hemisphere and, of course, some hats for a hat give away in September-ish. 


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