Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: Day 152 With Cat Approval

UPDATE 2/6/23: This is my favorite post about this project so far. This is a good post. I'm so witty. You should also check out my Etsy shop.
After last week's confusion I made an entire row of squares this week. I actually made most of them yesterday. I hate following rules. I will not be told what to do. Only one square a day is ridiculous.
I couldn't stop thinking about where and how my counting went wrong. Despite my expressing that I didn't have time to figure it out, I of course stopped everything and figured it out.

Ok. Boring.
Now I have 162 squares. Suck it.
And this damn thing is starting to look like a blanket. It still isn't wide enough for me to stop working on it yet and quit this ridiculous challenge, but it is big enough that I folded it and put it on the back of the couch for CAT TESTING.
So here are some pictures of cats on my mood blanket.
For next week I'll drag it out to the porch again so you can actually see the row I made. I'm going to make another row. This thing is starting to feel like work and when things start to feel like work that are supposed to be fun then I stop doing them. But I don't like to leave things unfinished, so there's that.
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