2015 Mood Blanket Challenge: Day 26
UPDATE 2/5/23: This was a horrible project. I hated it so much. I'm not a huge fan of solid granny squares. My idiot brain also doesn't really understand equating colors to a mood, so I have no comprehension of a "mood" blanket. My mood also changes 9865 times in a single day.
Enough fun facts about me! YOU should take a look around my Etsy shop. The whole point of this blog was a way to promote my shop, but for some reason I did not mention my shop at all in this post. I am constantly baffled by everything I was doing back in 2015.
Next month when the day numbering starts over at 1 I'm going to have to do math to determine what day I'm on for this. Bummer. OR I could get a calendar and count the days each day...or number them accordingly. Or I could just finish the blanket this week. Is this a race? I guess I could just for real do one square a day instead of doing a bunch of squares one day and then no squares for days. Such great dilemmas I face in my life.
Ok. Ok. Let's be serious now. I have 26 super sexy yarn squares (because I don't want to call them granny squares anymore. as I mentioned in last week's mood blanket post). I have my first row of 18 and then (math) 8 of the next row.
Check out this post from Siouxsie Stitches to find out about what exactly this "Mood Blanket Challenge" is. I AIN'T GONNA 'SPLAIN IT AGAIN.
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