2015 Mood Blanket Challenge?!?!

UPDATE 2/5/23: In case anyone was wondering, I have no idea what happened to that big ugly scrapghan I made, but I do know where my mood blanket is. It belongs to the cats. I still have it, and it is in an old desk chair that they enjoy as well.

So, here I am going through my old blog posts and checking the formatting after changing my blog theme and I see that I seem to have failed to include links TO MY OWN STUFF. Again! Did I write this before I started doing SEO? I have no idea.

But anywho, check out my Etsy shop!  

After a great deal of thought for about 7 minutes I decided to jump on Siouxsie Stitches' bandwagon of domestic fun and participate in her rad Mood Blanket Challenge! Awww yeah!

I've accumulated a lot of scrap yarn this past year, so my "mood" blanket will also be a SCRAPGHAN. Everyone get excited. I get a kick out of making big, hideous blankets. If you didn't see last year's crapghan-scrapghan I made then check it out now. See it with your eyeballs right here.

I don't understand moods or human emotion so I'm going to be picking a random color each day from my scrap bin or from a yarn I'm working with for another project. Whatever's closest to me, most likely.

If you want me to be honest then I'll go ahead and say that I actually got started yesterday and made my first four squares in one day. I decided to join them as I go and went with the good ol' single crochet seaming method. I'll be keeping my squares in the order I made them and seaming with black, also weaving in my God forsaken ends as I go so I don't have to do them all at the end of this extravaganza.

So far I've got five lovely squares, obviously. I'm going to post about this blanket every Monday from now until I'm done. Hopefully it'll get uglier.

Here are 12 different ways to attach your squares. There are many, many more ways to get this job done, but it's a nice place to start! It's also not too late to join in on the challenge either. These squares only take a few minutes each, so you can catch up without a problem, I promise.


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