Furry Beast Novelty Crochet Hats!

UPDATE 2/5/23: These hats were remarkably...unpopular. They popped off on tumblr, but I didn't sell a single one even when I jammed the price down to like $10/each. I ended up doing a giveaway for them. Fun Fur is awful to work with, but it is...pretty fun...after? I liked these hats. They are silly and weird and cute, but if I've learned one thing over the years it's that I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT PEOPLE LIKE. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

A while back I made a custom hat for The Evil TeddyBear Podcast based on his mascot/logo. It turned out pretty cool, so I decided to use up my remaining Fun Fur and Festive Fur by making a few more animal hats.  I made a panda and then I made a few more of the furry hats (only the basic hat part) and then put them aside for later and neglected them for some weeks...maybe months!

I needed a little break from working on my Sailor Saturn costume, so I decided to take the plunge and get these hats done. I ended up making a deer, an owl and a cat. All four of these hats are currently available for purchase and for a few more days they're on sale for $5 off! They'll be back up to their normal price at the start of April.

I need to make a few tweaks to the owl eyes and then I'll also make the pattern(s) available for purchase. It'll be pretty cool and the file will contain all of the different eyes and other features so that other crocheters can customize their own hat.

So get over to the Etsy shop and check these hats out. Also keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks for different owl hats. They won't be furry and they'll be much more detailed. I think owl faces are rad, but I really hate Fun Fur. Honestly. It's awful. A friend of mine was interested in a wookie and/or ewok hat made with Fun Fur, which I plan to attempt after I take a break from it for a long while.


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