FIRST Pattern Roundup of 2024!

Back in November, I started this, uh, unique theme, which I continued into December, and I am continuing now. Also, I hope you enjoy this extra eye-jarring banner I made. I think my banners are getting uglier and uglier. It's part of my brand.

If you're new here, the theme is...I AM GOING THROUGH MY BOOKMARKS and deleting dead links and sharing the undead links with everyone else! Undead? Live, I mean. The LIVE links. It's a mix of knit and crochet since I do both and for years and years I've just been saving things in a folder called PATTERNS. Last month there were no knitting patterns that cropped up. lol

All of the included images belong to the linked pages unless I have miraculously made the thing then I include a photo of mine, and I'll tell you so.

Happy 2024, now let's get started with this month's roundup! Yee haw!

Crochet Fox Patterns

FREE and Paid Rounded up by Moogly 

Well, it looks like the first entry of this roundup is another roundup, so this is a nesting doll roundup. I like foxes. There have been several foxes that turned up already in this pattern extravaganza and here are even more. I compulsively bookmark fox patterns. Moogly did the work for me here and this roundup has the patterns grouped by free and paid. My favorite is the Fox Scarf, I think (though that hat/scarf/scat is pretty nice too), which is the first paid pattern, about halfway down the page. Anyway, peruse these patterns! I have not made a single one of them and I am saving this bookmark because maybe one day, amirite?

Crochet Jellyfish

 FREE Pattern by One Dog Woof