Mood Blanket Challenge 2015: Row 6 Completion + Some Updates

UPDATE 2/6/23: This blanket was quite lively. It's been washed many times over the years and since it now belongs to cats, it is less lively. I honestly admire my dedication to providing these updates all those years ago as I worked on it spitefully.
It's another cloudy Monday, so I can't drag this beast outside for a natural light photoshoot on the back deck. It's starting to look like a blanket finally - albeit an ugly one. There are some truly hideous squares in there, which I'm quite proud of. My goal of intentionally making the ugliest mood blanket in the world will surely be met.
The sixth row is done plus three squares of the next row. I'm a square ahead of the other nubs doing this, right? I'm thinking I'll stop at ten or eleven rows...depending how much scrap yarn I have left at that point and if I have a blanket-sized blanket at that point as well.
I do not need a giant blanket and I am also a quitter. Making these squares is starting to feel like work and when things feel like work I don't like to do them and when I don't like to do something then I stop before I get homicidal. But I am going to get a blanket out of this because wtf would I do with this thing in its current state?
Feast your eyes on this glorious monstrosity.
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